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Featured Wheat Article


Wheatgrass Exposed

Christopher Stewart

Wheatgrass, which is the 10 to 14
days grown grass, contains the entire range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and
nutrients that your body requires. Whereas wheat's more popular form of dead
food products consumed by millions of uneducated people is totally void of life
or health-giving properties.

Although the leading body experts, know as doctors, pharmacists, dietitians and
scientists have been aware for well over 60 years (possibly centuries) about the
miraculous qualities of wheatgrass and chlorophyll, they seemed to have left it
up to us to "discover it." Thanks to caring people like Ann Wigmore
and Victoras Kulvinskas, countless numbers of people have been given a new lease
on life, better health and peace of mind using wheatgrass juice and living

Wheatberries, like all other sprout seeds, reminds us that life force or innate
healing power is hidden within us. When we expose and release this energy (like
sprouting does for seeds) by drinking or applying wheatgrass, our bodies and
minds regenerate into the strong beautiful and healthy forms they were created
to become.

The simple things life offers us still contain not only amazing answers to our
seemingly most difficult human conditions, but also teach us the basic laws for
true happiness and survival.

As a survival food, storing wheat berries is in my opinion, a must. Not only
because you can live off wheatgrass, if necessary, but you can also turn wheat
berry sprouts into an incredible variety of foods. Some of these include
sprouted breads, cookies, sprouted pizza, desserts, rejuvelac, sprouted wheat
germ, and wheat milk. You can use the wheatgrass
for external wounds, blemishes, rashes, and bruises. And with even more
imagination, the wheatgrass juice can be taken internally through other areas
(eyes, ears, and nose) and can benefit all possible ailments. If you are ever
without other herbs, essential oils, or remedies, wheat berries are a complete
first aid kit the Creator has given us.

Give your body, your most sacred possession, the gift of life and love.
Wheatgrass! May the juice be with you!


A wheatgrass drinker, wheatgrass grower. Visit our site at for more information When using this article, please leave all links and credits as part of the article.





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